Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In order to dramatize the relationship between citizens of the "first world" and plastic, my current project, Very Important Polymers, consists of a chapbook attached to the underside of a frisbee, so that readers may easily (if queasily) discard the book after reading it.

The "face" of the frisbee, pictured here, features "Frisbee Discussion Questions"
which force frisbee users to "face" their relationship(s) to plastic.

You may purchase a VIP Frisbee (c) for the modest plastic relocation fee of $10. For $20, you may purchase the VIP Frisbee (c) with no intention of recycling it. VIP Frisbees (c) come in all colors and sizes, so that you can find one to accomodate your demanding tastes.

Coming soon: the VIP Frisbee (c) Louis Muitton edition, for which a calf will be slaughtered and imprinted with a prestige brand logo. It will cost a lot more, but you deserve it.

Chapbook Contents

A selection of creative non-fiction sketches (including, "I Lost My Favorite Sunglasses: A Lament" (from whence comes the project title, "Very Important Polymers")

with a sprinkling of poems (including "The Craigslist Collection," a number of poems masquerading as Craigslist 'Missed Connections' ads.)